Menfess Bot ITSFess and Website like twitter

227 words - 2 min read


ITSfess is automated twitter menfess created with python backend and nextjs frontend that become a platform to institute technology sepuluj nopember student giving out their thought, ask for help and finding friends. as this created, we have 16.5K follower and active 1k users in the platform

The feature that i proud of is

The backend permalink

The backend that we've built is using python and tweepy library for handling free twitter API.

We're not using the the webhook twitter API because its only for enterprise twitter API.

Database permalink

Database that we have built is using noSQL firebase firestore database because is just a simple user and many messages

The Frontend permalink

We are using next-js because its just building a website is so simple with react and its ecosystem and using next-auth for admin login.

Home Page permalink

The firebase client, is read only for live messages (yes its live, whenever the twit has been sent, its getting push to the itsfess-web) and we hidded the user if its not the admin.

Admin Page permalink

If user loggin, by that means, our admin is logged in, the user is shown and we give the option to report the user and delete the tweet

Library permalink

Honored library that we use: