
177 words - 1 min read


The molinav mobile app that i develop is a part of my intern on STP.

Problem permalink

The Problem that electrical vehicle have is we dont know how long til the battery drops, and not like many conventional petrol motorcycle that can refill its fuel on the go with so many gas station accros the streets. The infrastructure of electrical vehicle is not there yet.

Solution to the Problem permalink

So we create a prediction based on battery level, motorcycle speed level, and how many kilometers that user need to go, and estimate is the battery enough to go to user destination and come back home. the prediction is done using tensorflow and put it on the backend on golang and call it using API

Another Problem, Again permalink

Another problem arises, in motorcycle, we have nothing to know how many kilometers user go, so we create a mobile app that can connect to the motorcycle trough bluetooth, and select its destination and shows maps direction both on users phone and motorcycle dashboard with the estimation

Conclusion permalink

here is the demo that integrate mobile app and motorcycle dashboard molinav